2 min readFeb 11, 2021


A PEACE BUDGET — We can all support this. A Peace Budget is one that rescues spending from the militarization of a nation. It is not a new concept; once called “Guns or Butter” is right for our times. America can use a good dose of domestic spending for things that matter to our health, education, infrastructure, and quality of life. In 1936, German Minister of Propaganda, war criminal Joseph Goebbels, stated: “We can do without butter, but, despite all our love of peace, not without arms. One cannot shoot with butter, but with guns.” For more than a century before 9/11, the U.S. has been preoccupied with building budget deficits with defense spending. Our tax dollars have gone to supplying fallen despots with trillions of dollars in armaments. In the past two decades, trillions more have militarized local police forces and supplied a global war machine. Moreover, at home, we don’t have the intelligence to protect our own Capitol from insurrectionists. If every politician feeds us platitudes about PEACE, let’s hold them to it. I want my tax dollars to go toward things that matter. A Peace Budget can get us there and help us determine who is worth supporting in the next round of elections. PEACE is the ultimate patriotic act — making America a safe and happy place to live, work, and play. Since there is no future in war, let’s finally give PEACE a chance. PN

PEACENOW @thepeacemanblog.com




Writes about PEACE, loves his furry friends, boats for pleasure.